# Sponsors

Founded in 2019, MittoNet was created due to the lack of a resource efficient and secure IoT protocol. It is maintained by a collaborative effort of hardware and software innovators pushing innovation at the edge forward.

The MittoNet alliance is leading the way the Internet of Things are connected through collaboration - creating a new kind of open hardware and software ecosystem. Become a member today and help pioneer the future of connectivity!

# Platinum members

# DataHamster.io


DataHamster.io (opens new window) makes a complete IoT solution based on the MittoNet protocol. DataHamster is on the steering committee of the MittoNet Project and is an active community member contributing code to the MittoNet project.

# Accipio

Accipio (opens new window) is a software and hardware consulting company with a broad set of skills and customers. They can help you implement IoT solution and develop custom IoT sensors or integrate the solution into your business processess.

# Gold members

# Next Wireless

Next Wireless (opens new window) is driving insights into your business operation allowing you to make smarter decisions based on facts from the real world. Next Wireless helps the customer getting the most value from their IoT investment.

Last Updated: 1/27/2020, 4:28:43 PM